Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 3: Psalm 91:13-16

You will tread upon the lion and cobra,

The young lion and the serpent you will trample down.

Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him;

I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.

“He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble;

I will rescue him and honor him.

“With a long life I will satisfy him

And let him see My salvation.”

Psalm 91: 13-16

Happy Monday, everyone! This blog is coming from someone other than Jeremy this week. Jeremy asked me, Jake, to write up the blog this week and so I gladly took up the offer. It's been a joy walking with Jeremy and his wife Jana, as well as my fiance Liz over the past couple weeks as we move on the promises of God. God has shown His faithfulness in many ways including the healing of Jana from strep throat this week as she and Jeremy stood on Psalm 91:9-10 which speaks of no harm or plague befalling on those who make the Lord their dwelling place. Praise God for being faithful and true to His word!

This week the focus is on the end of Psalm 91 which comes with many promises for us to move on. In verse 13 we see how the Lord has given us authority over the lion and the serpent. Both the lion and serpent are authoritative, fearless animals who control the territories in which they dwell. I believe the Lord is telling us here that we can take confidence in the authority He has given us over things in our life that seem insurmountable. Whatever the "lion" or "serpent" is in your life that seems to be controlling your territory has nothing on us who have received all authority by the blood of Jesus!

Beyond that, I take joy in reading the final three verses of the chapter which speak of the promises given to us as we call upon the Lord and love Him. God does not speak words that are not true. Every word spoken by the Lord is truth for He Himself is Truth. With this knowledge we can claim these promises as given to us. These are the promises, listed out, that we are joyfully and violently claiming this week.

Because we love Him, know His name, and call upon Him, He will...
  • Deliver us
  • Set us securely on high 
  • Answer us
  • Be with us in trouble
  • Rescue us
  • Honor us
  • Satisfy us with a long life
  • Let us see His salvation
Praise God for His word of truth and for the many promises we have in Him. I pray that we all would experience these promises in a greater measure as we go about our week. I claim these upon us as we move forward in Him. His word does not return void but bears great fruit. Have a blessed week in Jesus!

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