Saturday, January 19, 2013

Healing When We Abide

It was Saturday, January, 12 and I was starting to get a cold. The cold was nothing serious at this point, but I was starting to feel a little achy and my throat had a little scratch in it. This is always such a bummer when I start to feel sick on the weekend ,so I was trying to combat it with extra sleep and lots of tea with added cinnamon and sugar of course!
When I woke up Sunday morning my throat was still scratchy but my husband, Jeremy, and I were able to go to church together for the first time in a long time. This is a rare occurrence because we both serve on the worship team at church. Later on that day we went out to eat with my mom and brother and I was feeling good. After returning home from a quick trip to Walmart, I started to feel really bad. I tried to lay down for a nap but was not even able to do that because I could not swallow. I was in so much pain.
Monday morning came and I wanted to try and go to work that day. I thought I would be okay and the day would go fast, no big deal. It was a terrible day and to be honest, I barely made it through. I was starting to feel worse and worse, my fever was 103.5 and I didn’t know if I was going to make it. This is not to say I thought I was going to die, I just felt so bad and I was in so much pain.
When Jeremy and I were laying our son Elam down for bed, Jeremy prayed healing over my body and shared that when we make the Lord our dwelling, no harm will overtake us and no disaster will overtake our home. Like our promise to move on this week (Psalm 91:9-10) says in the New American Standard version, this also includes “Nor will any plague come near your tent”. So as Jeremy started praying this more and more throughout the night, we started believing it and trusting God to heal me.
Our son Elam still tends to get up in the night and when he woke up about 1:30, I quickly realized my fever broke. This was an answer to prayer! When I woke up Tuesday morning, I felt great! The Lord had healed me and I was feeling back to normal. This was not only a boost to my physical body, but it was such an encouragement to my prayer life. It has made such a difference focusing on abiding in the Lord ALL the time. What a difference that makes on the outlook of situations. What a difference that makes in the situations that life brings us. Dwelling in the Lord, abiding in Christ…every second, every moment, all the time- makes such a difference! 

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