Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 14: Proverbs 16:3 & Mark 11:24

"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
Proverbs 16:3

"Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you."
Mark 11:24

Hello fellow promise movers!  So I had an extremely difficult time deciding on which promise to move on for this week (as you can probably tell by the title of this post).  I was really stuck between these two passages from Proverbs and Mark.  Then this morning while I was joining in prayer with my friends Jake and Matt (continuing our promise from week 12 in Matthew 18), Matt suggested doing both of them.  His exact text read: "Sounds like they parallel.  Go with both...ha!  Doesn't commit to God assume some kind of prayer anyway?"

Absolutely it does!  If you and I are going to commit our plans to the Lord, we better be covering those things in prayer!  So we're going to break tradition (Jesus hated tradition that got in the way anyway, right?) and go with a little double promise this week.

And what a promise they are!  Commit whatever you do to God and you have guaranteed success!  Now there's a promise!  A lot of exclamation points here!  I apologize!  I'm excited!  Seriously though, does it get any better than that?  We live in a world that measures everything by how "successful" it is and God is telling you that He has a way for guaranteed success...just give it to Him and let Him do the work!  It almost too easy!

The same could be said with the verse from Mark.  "All I have to do is ask and believe and whatever I pray is as good as mine?"  Pretty much.  It's a lot harder than it should be though.  The problem comes in the believing.  We live in a world that lives by the quote, "If it's too good to be true, it probably is."  That is not the case with Jesus though.

I could sit here all day and write out Bible verses and famous theologians who agree that all you have to do is pray, ask and believe - to commit your works to the Lord - and it will be done.  If I did that though, you'd spend all your time reading this and not living out this outstanding promise from God! 

So stop reading and start doing!  There's only one way to find out if God's going to keep His promise.  So what are you waiting for?  Commit everything you  do to the Lord and He will bless your sock off and make you successful.  Pray, ask and BELIEVE WITHOUT A DOUBT and God promises it will be done.  Yes, it is absolutely too good to be true, but so is the fact that a perfect Savior would leave His throne to die for us and give us eternal life.  You believe that, so why doubt any of the promises He has made to you through His word?


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